Basic Tune-Up
Recomended every 25+ hours or 6 months. Perfect for the occasional rider or for a bike that has been sitting in the garage a while.
*Cost of parts not included*
- F&R Brakes Adjusted
- F&R Gears Adjusted
- Minor Wheel Truing
- Chain Lubricated
- Derailleurs lubricated
- Bearings Adjusted
- Tire Pressure checked
- Basic Bike Wipe down
Peak Tune-up
Recommended annually & or every 50+ hours of riding and if ridden in less than ideal terrain or weather. Also for bikes that have been sitting for a long period of time
*Cost of parts not included*
Everything included from basic tune-up with the addition of:
New Shifter cables installed
New Brake cables installed
Advanced Wheel Truing
Derailleur Hanger Alignment
Bottom bracket and headset adjusted
Chain cleaned and lubed
Thorough cleaning & polishing of Bike
Tires inflated to correct pressure
Recomended for the Hardcore riders who put their bikes to the test on a regular basis. 100+ hours of ride time.
*Cost of parts not included*
- Advanced wheel truing , laterally and vertically
- New Brake Cables Installed
- New Gear Cables Installed
- Chain Removed & Cleaned ultrasonically
- Cassette Removed & Cleaned ultrasonically
- Crank Removed & Cleaned ultrasonically
- Derailleurs Removed & Cleaned ultrasonically
- Apply Silca Hot wax to your Chain
- Headset Removed & Cleaned
- Tires Inflated to Correct Pressure
- Seatpost Removed, Cleaned & Greased
- Entire bike cleaned and polished